dinsdag 15 januari 2013

Snow. Canon300V - Ilford Delta 3200 / Hp5+400

Lots of snow in The Netherlands. 

Canon 300v- 28-105mm with IlfordDelta3200p & Hp5-400

Ilsofol S - (1+9)

Ilford3200 - 13 min
Ilford400 - 6.50 min

zondag 6 januari 2013

Tmax 400 film black and white

My first developed film!

Camera: Canon 300V 28-105mm lens

Film: Kodak T-Max 400

Film Developer: Ilfosol 3 (1-9) time: 6 min.
Signal stopbad: Amaloco S10 (1-19) time: 60 sec.
Fixer: Amaloco X89 ExtraFix (1-4) time: 2 min.
Flushing : Water time: 20 min.

Negatives scanned with a (cheap) Ion-scanner